

Phoenix has been busy in my mind. It is so bittersweet writing the final book...

5 Stars From Molly’s Booknook!

new world: rising by jennifer wilson // a hidden dystopian gem At first, I only wanted to get this book because of the cover, but it has become one of my favorite books I read this year. It is a hidden gem in the dystopian genre...

4.5 Stars from Taylor at the Bibliophile Gathering

"New World: Rising is definitely one of the best dystopia reads that I’ve come across in a long time! It was fast paced and interesting. I loved the writing and the characters were awesome. There was some tropes that come along with YA dystopian but I...

5 Star Review from Olivia’s Catastrophe

Review: I follow a booktuber called BenjaminOfTomes and was so impressed when I heard he was making a publishing company! He has since published plenty of books and I saw all of them whizz by. But there was something about New World Rising that prompted me to send an email...

Cover love!

Do you have photos? Send them to me for a chance to be featured on my blog!!...

It’s a Books World’s 4.5 Star Review

Review: New World Rising (New World Trilogy #1) and New World Ashes (New World Trilogy #2) by Jennifer Wilson 11:03 am 26 October 2015 Goodreads summary: Since witnessing her parents' murders at the age of eleven, Phoenix's only purpose in life has been to uphold her mother's dying...

Getting inspired

Listening to good music and getting my write on....

10/10 from Daniel Riding!

Book Review: New World Rising: Jennifer Wilson by Daniel Riding When it comes to reading dystopian novels, it is very rare that I read one without some sort of paranormal element. Vampires, Demons or other such creatures that add a touch of magic to a story. New...